GSO Test

Excellence for all


A very warm welcome to Granton Primary School's website. The whole school community is extremely proud to continue to provide an outstanding education for all of our pupils.

We are a thriving school community where high aspirations and a caring family ethos are at the heart of what we do. The inspection report captures thewelcome image very culture that all at Granton endeavours to sustain: Leaders have created a strong family atmosphere where pupils and staff feel highly valued and share a love of learning.

Our provisions are shaped by a deep understanding of the needs of our pupils. It is a continuing endeavour for all of our staff to know our pupils well. We strive to deliver a relevant, engaging, and rigorous curriculum through a culture of high expectations and a consistent demand for excellence. We do not rest until good becomes better, and better becomes best. OFSTED made reference to this in their report: Teachers’ detailed knowledge of their pupils means that they can match learning to specific individual needs. This helps pupils to gain confidence and make rapid progress. Teaching assistants are well trained to support individuals and small groups very effectively. This particularly helps pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities to make at least good progress from their different starting points.  Our work on the school's curriculum, which started in 2017, is now paying off as our pupils are acquiring cumulatively sufficient knowledge over time, across all the subjects they are studying. Our pupils often achieve standards which often exceeds both local and national standards! We are also extremely proud of the many opportunities we provide our pupils to develop beyond the formal academic curriculum.

We are fortunate to receive tremendous support from our parents and carers. The home- school partnership is one of exceptional importance to us as we firmly believe that this is the key to ensuring successful learning for your child.

On arriving at Granton Primary School, you immediately notice the excellent learning behaviour of our pupils and the passion, enthusiasm and friendliness of our staff. We believe that your children’s’ journey to learning is lifelong and we feel privileged that Granton Primary School is where this very important journey begins.

Visits from families considering Granton for their child’s education are most welcome and can be arranged via the school office

Edison David BA (Hons) QTS NPQH NPQEL MA | Executive Headteacher

Our Vision

Through inspirational, inclusive and academically-challenging learning opportunities, Granton Primary School pupils develop as curious, confident, competent and aspirational young citizens of the world. As members of the wider Granton community, pupils are supported to be responsible, respectful, and resilient individuals.

Granton Primary School delivers excellent outcomes for our pupils, and collaborates and shares best practice to a wider community of schools.

Our Ethos

The Granton Family places our pupils and families at the heart of everything that we do. Our ethos is a promise to all pupils, staff and parents at Granton that:


believe in you.
trust you.
listen to you.


are cared for.
are very important to us.
will be able to handle problems.

Ofsted Says

  • Granton is a very lively and welcoming school. Pupils love coming to school and have a real enthusiasm for learning.

  • The curriculum is extremely rich and provides a very secure framework for teaching and learning. Subjects such as art, music, and design and technology give pupils experience of working on real projects.

  • Teachers have detailed knowledge of their pupils meaning that they can match learning to specific individual needs. This helps pupils to gain confidence and make rapid progress. Teaching assistants are well trained to support individuals and small groups very effectively. This particularly helps pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities to make at least good progress from their different starting points. 


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Spring 2024 - Week 6 

Exciting things that happened recently:

Olive Dinning who will provided Christmas lunch for all

Phonics and reading café.

Reading and Maths café

 Year 1 celebrated Diwali with a special performance titled "Diwali Is Here!"

Nursery celebrated through a Winter craft day and a little mince pie. 

SEND café.

Art café.


Things to look forward to next week and beyond:



Celebrating the time of year

Christmas performance for parents of reception- Tuesday, 17th December 2024 at 9:30am  in school hall  

Winter holiday with friends and family starting at 3.15 19th December.


  Important information for parents:

Speech and language provision:

Lambeth and Southwark




Speech and language for under 5’s


English for speakers of other languages (ESOL)

SEND parents

ADHD parenting workshops

Useful links for SEND parents


If you, or anyone you know are finding things difficult:

Food bank